Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Aerification recovery

We have almost completely healed from aerification. This picture was taken on Apr 9, 2013. Once the weather warmed up a little, we finally started to see some grass growing. The greens have grown through all of the sand that was put on them and we have started lowering the height of cut. Within a week or so we should be mowing daily at our normal height of cut.

Also, along with this warm weather we have started seeing a green up in the bermudagrass. This year we did a little experiment. We used a turf paint on #1 fairway. The true reason we did this was to add a little color as you drove down Magnolia Green's main entry. What we found is that the paint has helped that fairway green up much more quickly than the other fairways. This happens because the dark paint helps keep the soil temperature a little warmer than the dormant bermuda normally would. The pictures below were taken on April 15. The difference is pretty drastic. I think we are going to have to figure out how to come up with money for the other nine fairways this year!

We are gearing up for a great season and hope you are too! Enjoy the rest of your Spring!

1 comment:

  1. Greens and the course are really coming along. Thanks for all the effort, Jay and crew.
