Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring is here

Spring is here! The only problem is we had close to white out conditions Thursday morning and possibly more snow coming Sunday. It didn't last long, but it was long enough!

The greens aerification at Westham was scheduled for Mar 25. Because Mother Nature is being difficult and we are possibly getting more snow on Sunday and Monday, we decided to start aerifying  this past Tuesday night. We were able to finish up everything Wednesday afternoon. In the coming days, we will go out and topdress some of the holes that were not filled with our initial sand topdressing. We will also be applying some granular fertilizers and lime. The fertilizer will hopefully get the bentgrass moving and help us have a rapid recovery. The only thing else we need to do is to pray for some warmer weather.


None of this could have been done without the help of the great crew at Westham! Thanks to Chad, Luis, Josh, and Andrew!! Also, a special thanks to Wayne Carter for coming over from Hanover Country Club to lend a hand. I know he wishes he hadn't left Westham! We are looking forward to a great season!


  1. Jay,

    What are we looking at in the middle picture above?

  2. That's number 1 after we aerified it and before we cleaned up the plugs. Those are the plugs laying on the green.
