Sunday, March 23, 2014

Construction has begun!

Last week, Sanders Golf arrived to start construction on the new nine holes. Unfortunately, so did the weather. The beginning of the week was a little slow, but we were able get a few things accomplished once the sun came out.

All of the irrigation heads and valves that were installed on #8 and #9 during the original construction have been found and removed. All of these will be inspected and used if they are good. During the first construction, the greens and tees on #8 and #9 were basically built. The gravel and mix was installed along with the irrigation and drainage. The mix and gravel were contaminated, so it all needed to be removed. As you can see in the first picture, there were pine trees growing out of the green and bunker cavity.

On the existing holes, we were also busy. We finally finished applying our Round Up and pre-emergent herbicide. The tees and approaches were also painted this week. This gives them a nice look and it also helps to warm up the soil. This will help these areas green up quicker this Spring. After the winter that we have had, the bermudagrass needs every advantage that we can give it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update Jay. It is so exciting to see the second nine taking off. Keep us updated as frequently as you can handle it (we know you are busy.) Love the pictures. Love the descriptions - great to understand what is going on.
