Monday, February 11, 2013

Audubon International

Audubon International is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to improving the environment. Westham Golf Club is currently a member and we are in the process of becoming a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary. The certification process starts with a Site Assessment and an Environmental Planning Form. Once we have a plan in place we then start working on these categories:

  • Environmental Planning
  • Wildlife and Habitat Management
  • Chemical Use Reduction and Safety
  • Water Conservation
  • Water Quality Management
  • Outreach and Education

  • We also have to do a Case Study. This study gets you to find a way to not only help the environment, but in most cases it helps the golf course financially as well. With our case study we decided to convert our bentgrass approaches to bermudagrass. In doing this, we have saved on fertilizer, chemicals, water and labor. This winter we will kill off what is left of the bentgrass and the bermuda will finish filling in this spring. Here is a picture of the approach on number one.

    Here are some pictures taken by Kim Hatala of some of the things that we are working to protect.


    1. Great work! You and your staff are on top of it. Please keep the updates coming!

    2. Audubon International is a beautiful thing and it seems as though you all are taking all the right steps in becoming certified. Keep the blog posts coming, I enjoy reading them.

      Aaron Reinhart
      Assistant Superintendent
      Aurora Country Club

    3. Great job Jay. I know you and Chad have been working hard on this. Keep up the good work.

      Bobby Kidder
      General Manager
      Westham Golf Club

    4. Jay,

      Love the blog. You know me, I love to understand how the course continues to evolve. I love the focus on environmental friendliness and awareness. Looking forward to following your blog regularly.

      Ken Werner
      Westham member

    5. Great work guys. Well worth the effort. Keep it up.

      Grayson Grainger
      Golf Course Superintendent
      Players Club at St James Plantation
