Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Winter damage

Many areas in the Mid-Atlantic have been hit pretty hard with winter kill on bemudagrass playing surfaces.  Damage has been seen in Virginia and the Carolina's.  We did not escape winter damage on our newly sprigged areas on the front nine.  The existing ten holes look pretty good, with no major issues.  The areas on the front nine that we sodded last fall look good as well. The areas that were hit the hardest were areas that had prolonged shade and saturated soils.

Last year's mild summer, this year's extremely cold winter, and another cold spring were not a good recipe for a newly established golf course.  In an effort to get the course open quickly, our ownership has decided to invest in sodding the areas that have been damaged.  Sod has been ordered and it will be installed as soon as possible.  

Thanks for your continued patience and support.