Monday, September 30, 2013

Successful aerification

Aerification was a success. This year we tried some things a little different than what I have done in the past. First of all, we went at a much later date than I am used to. Normally I would have aerified at the end of August to the beginning of September. We wanted to stay away from some of the problems that we had last year with the weather. We are in a much better place this year.

We also used a different aerifier this year. We used a tractor mounted machine called a soil reliever. The Pro Core that we normally use is a great machine, but the soil reliever goes 5"-6" deeper. You can eventually build up a layer that our roots can't get past by going the same depth time after time. This helps us bust through the layer that has been built over the last few years. This machine also has a flicking motion that breaks up any compaction that we may have.

Here is a video of the process.

All greens have been topdressed and all of our fertilizer and soil amendments are going out now. With the weather that we are having, the healing proccess should be quick. Have a great week!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Renovations on 4 and 5

Number 4 is finished! McDonald and Sons made quick work of the bunker project on #4 and have moved on to #5. #5 should be complete Wednesday. Here are some before, during and after pictures of #4. Please do not play from or walk on the roped off areas!!!

The architect from Nicklaus Design was on site Tuesday to look at the work on #4 and #5. He also made a trip back on the new nine to double check the golf course boundaries. We are going to start hauling some soil back to the wetland crossings so we can start piping and filling those areas. We are full speed ahead now! Pictures of #5 green surround will follow soon.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Construction on #4 & #5

We are set to start construction on #4 and #5 on Monday Sept. 16. We will start with #4. This should only take 1.5 to 2 days. On #5, we have decided to not rebuild the entire green. All that we are going to do is shave the mound down just off of the left of the green. This project isn't going to take more than a week to finish. This means that next week we will not have a driving range. The current practice facility will be used as an actual hole while we have the other two holes shut down for construction.

This will be good practice for the construction of the other holes. Have a great weekend!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Busy upcoming fall

This fall is going to be very busy at Westham Golf Club. We are well into the planning phase of the construction of the other eight holes and practice facility. We are also getting ready to rebuild current #5 green and do some work on the green surround on #4. This work will start within the next two weeks.

Work will be completed on #4 first. We are going to fill in some of the left side bunker and soften the slope in between the green and bunker. This will make the green a little more receptive. #5 will be a complete rebuild of that green. The left side of the green will be lowered and the right side will be raised a little. The mound off of the left of the green will be lowered as well. Again, this will make this green a little more forgiving and your approach shots that land left of the pin won't roll off into the bailout on the right.

While all of this work is going on, we will be using new #1 as an actual hole. This means that there will be no practice facility until we open the actual driving range. We are currently looking for options for a temporary range, but as of right now we will have to make due without one. I will keep everyone informed of the progress being made on the existing nine and the future nine holes.